Legal risk management audits
Since its foundation, in 1999, the Firm has provided the service of auditing Legal Risk Management, both to banks that are part of Financial Groups and to independent entities, as well as to Brokerage Houses, Investment Funds Managers and Multiple Purpose Financial Corporations (Nonbank Banks), as part of their regulatory obligations with the applicable regulators.
AML/FT Regulatory audits
Several members of the Firm, have been certified as Independent External Auditors and Compliance Officers, in AML/CFT issued by the National Banking and Securities Commission (Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores). Thus, as part of its services, the Firm offers to its clients the performance of AML/CFT annual audits, as well as audits related with companies that carry out activities that are deemed “vulnerable” by the Federal Law to Prevent Money Laundering and its Regulations.
Additionally, the Firm provides compliance advisory to financial entities and business organizations deemed to be performing vulnerable activities, in order to comply with legal provisions applicable in such matters.
Due diligence reviews
The Firm has experience and expertise in performing due diligence reviews, thus providing support to our clients interested in acquiring a company, or merging or associating with one, in order to have sufficient elements to analyze and assess the transaction.