Securities exchange
The Firm provides counseling aimed at complying with the provisions regulating the securities exchange market, particularly regarding:
a) Compliance
- Advisory services for the incorporation of Brokerage Houses, Investment Fund Managers, Investment Funds and Investment Advisors.
- Operations of and regulatory matters of Brokerage Houses.
- Internal Control.
- Corporate Governance.
- Advisory services in Compliance related to securities exchange.
b) Public Offerings
The firm provides advisory services in connection with the registration and public offering of securities in the Capitals Markets and in the Debt Markets. It has participated, as independent counsel, in several placements of securities or IPO’s.
c) Investment Advisors
The Firm provides advisory services to several investment advisors, in order to obtain and maintain their registration before the Investment Advisors Registry (Registro de Asesores en Inversiones) of the National Banking and Securities Commission (Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores), as well as in corporate matters, investment services and AML/CFT, per the requirements set forth in Mexican legal provisions.

The Firm provides legal counseling services to domestic banks and affiliates of foreign banks on legal matters and compliance with regulatory provisions that are faced on a day to day basis. This service results to be particularly valuable to foreign banks, who appreciate having counseling on Mexican legal and regulatory matters. This counseling includes, among others:
- Obtainment of licenses for the establishment of affiliates, branches or representative offices.
- Registration with the Ministry of Finance (Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público) in order to benefit from the tax treaties of which Mexico is part of.
- Placement of individual or syndicated loans.
- Advisory services on Mexican legal provisions, including regulations on internal control, AML/CFT, anticorruption and corporate governance.
- Examination of documents evidencing the legal existence of business organizations carrying out transactions with institutions, as well as the authority of their legal representatives and, in its case, the documentation of contracting individuals, as well as integration of client files (KYC) in order to comply with legal provisions and to provide certainty to the transaction.

Other financial entities
The Firm counsels both Regulated and Non-Regulated Multiple Purpose Financial Entities (Sociedades Financieras de Objeto Múltiple) (Nonbank-Banks), from the onset until they initiate operations, including advisory services on and obtainment of the Technical Report issued by the National Banking and Securities Commission (Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores) so that non-regulated entities may be registered with the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Comisión Nacional para la Protección y Defensa de los Usuarios de Servicios Financieros).
Likewise, the Firm provides counseling to Sociedades Financieras Populares in regard to the regulatory framework they have to comply with.

Lending facilities
The Firm’s commercial banking practice also deals with sophisticated lending structures and other financial transactions.
Typical operations include:
- Securitization.
- Equipment Financing.
- Project Financing.
- Special Purposes Financing.
- International Real Estate Financing.
- Collateralizations.
- Traditional Security Interests.
- Trust guarantees.
- Alternative Security Interests.
- Debts restructuring and Rescheduling.
- Creditors’ agreements.